This is where GitHub comes into the picture. In your Git repo, other people can also contribute simultaneously (while you are working on some branch), or you can revoke their access if you want to work alone, etc.

You can grant access to anyone so they can contribute. Now imagine if you can pass the responsibility to someone else to manage your backup or manage your source code. All the time that you have spent building your project will disappear. But what will happen if your hard disk crashes and you forget to take backup? Your work will be lost. In this case, you work alone in your private repository, and your colleague can not read and write. Let's say you are working on some hobby project. Now before you learn GitHub, let's take an example. You can use the Git commands on the command line or GUI to manage your repo. In Git, You can keep track of the files in something called a repository or repo. Git is open source and free (so anyone can use it). Git is a distributed version control software. In this article, you will learn the core concepts about Git and GitHub, how they are different, and their similarities. If you are looking for answers to these questions, you are in the right place.
#Whats the best gui for git install
Do you think GitHub is your source control? Can you install Git and GitHub on your machine?